
NCB’s underlying philosophy is a developmental one.

In other words, an individual’s potential always exceeds their current state of being. Thus, when NCB works with an individual, whether or not they are also working with a collective of which that person is a member, the ultimate goal is to help the individual to move forward on their developmental pathway. This entails three steps, the first two of which form the foundation for the next.

  • Step 1: Know Thyself

    Following the advice of the ancient Greek Oracle, the first step in a facilitated developmental journey is to wrestle with the question, “Who Am I?” In the NCB System, this step employs tools which help the individual to explore their strengths and weaknesses. In the case of Indigenous participants this may include exploring their individual and collective dreaming, identifying their totem and recognising their country. For all participants, it is likely to include exploring their family history, discovering/exploring their Enneagram Type, their values and their stage of ego development.
  • Step 2: Be Thyself

    Following the advice of the Roman Caesar, Marcus Aurelias, the second step in a facilitated developmental journey is to wrestle with the question, “Have I the Courage to Be Who I Am?” In other words, is my behaviour congruent with the self-image discovered in Step 1? In the NCB System, this step employs tools which help the individual to explore their personal threats (particularly their fears) and opportunities (particularly to feel the fear and do it anyway). For Indigenous participants, this may include celebrating their Indigeniety in culturally appropriate ways. For all participants it is likely to include learning mindfulness, exploring alternatives to violence and participating in Courage to Be Workshops and Community Building Workshops. It is also likely to include further exploration of their Enneagram type and development of an individual plan for Being Themselves.
  • Step 3: Become Thyself

    Contemporary developmental psychology advises that the journey of maturation is not one that ends with the physical attainment of adulthood. Rather, each of us lives their life wrestling with the question, “Have I the Courage to Become All That I Can Be?” In other words, am I willing and able to let go of my attachment to my current self-image, values, world view in order to develop to a new and better level of being? In the NCB System, participants are encouraged to practice Developmental Action Inquiry as well as revisiting Courage to Be Workshops, Community Building Workshops and a deeper exploration of their Enneagram type. Ultimately participants prepare and individual development plan for achieving their potential as a person.

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Get in touch with us today and let NCB Group help you move forward with your developmental pathway.